Hpv and TTC

Does anyone have hpv or familiar with anyone trying to get pregnant while having hpv? Have you had success? I screwed up big time when I was younger and let a guy pass it along to me, not knowing a year down the road I was introduced to the person I planned to spend my life with. I found out almost a year into that relationship I had hpv and had given it to my partner. You can't imagine the guilt the runs through my veins but here we are 7 years later trying to conceive. I want nothing but to enjoy the laughter or tears that a child brings. There are so many women around me who are getting pregnant with ease. I know having hpv makes it more complicated but I don't know where to go from here. Been ttc since last February and still nothing. Can anyone relate or give me some good insight on where to go from here? I know after trying for a year, I'm hopeless almost......