5 weeks pregnant and scared.

I am exactly 5 weeks today and I am terrified that I will have a MC. Today marks 1 year since I was last pregnant and had a MC and was again 5 weeks pregnant. Husband and I have been trying for a second child since 2013. This pregnancy is my third one but if I make it until the end will be our second child. Today has been hard because I am the same amount of weeks I was last time which I think is what makes me so scared. I don't want to lose another. I don't have my first U/S until 3/7 when I will be a little more then 8 weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed. Also terrified that there won't be anything in there. We have been doing fertility treatments and o had 3 mature eggs so we are keeping our figured crossed for a least one baby. Send some baby dust our way and please keep us in your prayers for some great news.