Extreme Fatigue

Ok ladies! I've been having some crazy stuff going on the last couple of days and idk if it's ovulation related or stress. I had a really bad week this last week -- not fun. So I came home from work yesterday and I had a migraine (auroras, light sensitivity, nausea) so I laid down at 6:00 and went to sleep. I woke up at around 5:45 this morning. So I slept for almost 12 hours. Still woke up with a headache but not as bad. Then I took a two hour nap this afternoon and now I'm read for bed already. 
​This isn't like me at all.
I took an OPK yesterday and it was almost positive but I took another when I woke up this morning and it was definitely positive. 
​I guess my question is, what do yall  experience during ovulation? I'm kinda new to this bc I have PCOS and before Clomid I wasn't ovulating. This has just been a crazy couple of days and I am soooo hoping its ovulation symptoms. I was anovulatory my first round last month. 
​Any insight is appreciated.  Thanks!