I feel so alone 😔

Me and my so are living with his family at the moment while we wait to sign for our house, which isn't great as his mother babies him at every opitunity! He works continental shifts so I only really get to spend time with him when he's mornings cos every other shift I'm working, this week he's nights, I only get to see him for a few hours in the night and next week he's 2-10 so I won't be seeing him at all, now I know that this is his job and that's fine but on the weekends he goes out hunting and is gone from 8-8 sometimes later, this is our first child together (but I've had 2 mc from previous relationship) we NEVER spend any time together and when I ask him to spend more time with me he says he does as we see each other in the nights?
But seeing each other and spending time with each other are two completely different things! 
Sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm just so down and I feel completely isolated from him and I don't know what to do to make things right between us 😔