
Stephanie • Mama of twins after 5 YEARS of infertility!!
Before I found this app, Fertility issues were something that really aren't discussed. I have learned that fertility issues effect a lot of people but it is very hard to share with others. Many struggle with infertility but feel like they will be judged or feel that we will be looked at as broken. Many others feel that people who have not been through fertility struggles truly don't understand what we go through. It is a difficult thing that many struggle with silently. It is heartbreaking at times. You feel alone. You feel like you don't have anyone to talk to or anyone who truly understands what you are going through. I have learned there are many people out there that struggle with this as well. I have been blessed to find this app and see many other women share details about their journey. Success stories, struggles and the path to get there. Everyone's fertility struggle and story is different. I have an amazing support in my husband who had been so positive. But even then it is still hard. Sometimes life brings you a curve ball that you were not expecting. My whole life I always imagined I would be a mother. My husband and I have dreamed and wished that we would have at least 3 kids. I would dream about what they would look like and who they would become. My husband and I even picked out names when we first started dating before kids became something that we were really ready for. My husband and I  been together for 7 years. We have been married and actively trying to conceive for both of our first baby for 2 years. People would tell us stop stressing, it will happen, just wait, don't rush. But we knew we wanted kids right away. I felt like I am 30 years old and if we want kids I know it's harder as you get older and if we were struggling in our 20s then it would only become more difficult later on. When it wasn't happening it was disappointing, especially when everyone around us was getting pregnant and having babies. We kept in good spirits and kept trying to keep faith that our time would come when the time was right. Every month like clockwork my cycle would come. We had lab work done and everything came back normal. I was ovulating every month and my levels were good. My husband has "super swimmers" as the doctor said so we knew that wasn't the problem. Finally we decided to take the next step to see what's going on and saw a fertility doctor. He put me on birth control and scheduled a hysteroscopy with tubal catheterization to enter a scope through my cervix and dye into my Fallopian tubes to get an idea of what was going on internally. The hysteroscopy showed that I had some uterine scar tissue as well as bilateral hydrosalpinges (fluid in my Fallopian tubes that prevents the egg from traveling down). They were able to clean the scar tissue from my uterus during the hysteroscopy and I have an appointment next week to find out the next steps for the fluid in my Fallopian tubes. I will most likely to have a laparoscopy to find out if they can help my tubes. And then either clomid or <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> depending on the severity of the damage. I have been so lucky to have such a supportive and positive husband who has been by my side and reassures me that whatever happens we are going to be ok. Only God and time will tell what our future holds. This is our journey and it hasn't been any easy road. I share my story as I am still on my journey. But I hope this will help other women out here not feel so alone. Reading about others stories has really helped me. I see women who have struggled as well and continue to stay positive and miracles happen. I rejoice in every miracle I see happen because I know that every woman who truly wants a baby when that moment finally happens, when all their prayers and wishes have been answered that must be the most amazing moment in the world. Our path may not be easy but in life anything that's worth having will not always come easy. Our journey is not over. Some day we might get our miracle baby. If babies are not in the cards for us then that will be a bridge we cross when we get there. This will only make us stronger and I hope I can help shed some light on an issue that many suffer silently. Good luck everyone on your journey.