Not trying to sound morbid

Fertility has always been an issue in my family in fact none of the women in my family are able to get pregnant besides my mom. She's the youngest of five girls. Growing up I always saw my aunts trouble with her fertility issues and trying to get pregnant until they finally gave up. So naturally I just assumed I would never be able to get pregnant and now that I am I'm just terrified that I won't be able to hold the baby till full term. Within my first couple of weeks of being pregnant there was already talk about an ectopic pregnancy when I was out of the woods for that I put my mind at ease for a little bit but I constantly feel that I don't see me having a child. Im constantly worried and feel like something isn't right and I'm not due until October I'm terrified that my nerves are going to make this pregnancy so much harder is anybody else going though the same thing?