What to expect BABY MOVEMENTS?

So how do you know when the baby is really moving or kicking inside you? Sometimes I feel like bubbles or some sort of hiccup motion... can someone describe it?
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It literally felt like someone poking me from the inside lol


Liz • Feb 13, 2016
that's what I felt!


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Im 29 weeks and at this point it feels like he extends his butt and rolls around my stomach sometimes it feels like his foot is going to pop out of my side Lol


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It's honestly hard to explain but you'll know. ❤️❤️ Then when you get as far along as I am, you'll be praying the kid takes a nap! Lol 


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With my first they started off as bubbles in my stomach. Then around 28 weeks I felt full blown kicks. This time around I feel just kicks and rolls. 


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I felt bubbles from 16 weeks then at 18 he kicked me and moved my stomach out😍