I'm getting depressed. I need some advice.

Hello all. My daughter is almost 7 months old. Two weeks ago, her father and I broke up. I separated from him due to his continuous immature ways. I've been trying for 3 years to help him act like the 25 year old man that he is but to no avail. He's very careless with his job, isn't determined or a go-getter, and doesn't have the respect for me that he should. He constantly says racist things in front of our daughter, curses, gets mad at me for needing him to watch her so I can do laundry/run errands. I've kindly asked him to grow up and act like an adult. I feel like I am carrying both him and our baby on my back and it's exhausting. I want a partnership. I want to feel like we're a team. Not that I have to constantly worry if he's going to get fired because he slacks off or doesn't watch what he says, spends so much money on games and DVDs... I feel like I'm the only one who has made sacrifices for our daughter and our future. I started getting so depressed. It's a combination of stress from him, knowing I have to leave him, knowing he will make it very hard to coparent, and feeling guilty for leaving him. For giving up on him. But I've fought so hard to be a good driving force for him to be the best he can be. I started not eating, sleeping all the time, and is on the edge of not being able to care for my daughter now. My therapist says my mind protects itself by forgetting every negative thing that happens between us. So now i have to write things down so I remember them. Otherwise I wonder why I'm feeling this way. There's all these sayings not to give up on someone but when is it time to chalk it up and walk away? I told myself my body is telling me that something has to give because I'm not well and I cry all the time. I'm just a mess and I need someone to talk to. I've been trying to stay strong for so long and I think I'm just breaking down. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry if this post is a mess. My head is a mess. I want the best for my daughter and I think that's getting away from her dad and separating myself. He loves his daughter so much and me as well but I don't feel stable with him. I don't want to sacrifice my happiness so he can be with me and stay happy. I have to be mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy because this sweet little girl depends on her mommy. Again I'm sorry if this post is a mess. Thanks for reading.