Adoption? Please help...

This pregnancy has been extremely difficult for me. It's caused my depression to become significantly worse. I've spent the last 2 1/2 months suicidal. I was admitted to a psych hospital voluntarily in Dec. I don't leave my bed a lot of the time because of the depression and when I do anxiety and severe panic attacks have become the norm.

I'm on SSI for psych+ and inoperable brain tumor. I love in a little 1 bedroom house with this baby's daddy. My 13 yo girl wants to move in with us again. I have no room for her or this new baby. I could maybe move but housing in my town is awfully expensive and I can't find anything we could afford.

I worry I will end up with PPD and at that point there isn't much to stop me. I often think this baby would do better in another family. I see a therapist weekly but beyond talking there isn't help to be had. The baby's father thinks I'll be fine after I deliver. I'm so scared and I feel so alone.