Still haven't had a period... Tweaks please?

Caitlin • I`m a married 30 y/o high school digital integration specialist. My husband and I welcomed our rainbow baby into the world 1/2017 and are excited to prepare to expand our family in the next few months.
I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks in November and another miscarriage at 4 weeks in December. I still haven't had a period. After I miscarried in December my HCG had gone up before it zero-ed out so I was put on progesterone for about a week just incase it was a threatened miscarriage. 
It ended up being a miscarriage and I have always had relatively longer cycles but I have had EWCM since the mc and we had bd-Ed in that window but I never had a truely positive opk since the second mc. Since I have had 2 consecutive early mc's the doctor is having me take progesterone, baby aspirin, and high dose folic acid as soon as I get another BFP and he wants to see me 6 weeks instead of 8.  My breasts have been sore the last couple days and I have been extremely moody so I am waiting to see if a period is finally coming or if I'm pregnant again. 
This is the pregnancy test I took today.... I feel like there might be a line but I also feel like it's just an indent... Ugh. I'm ok with not being pregnant for another few months but the lack of a period is frustrating me.