Insane nausea! Someone help! 😳


For the past few days, I have been able to keep down literally nothing. Everything I put in my mouth makes me immediately gag. Even things I crave turn out to be disgusting. Crackers are even difficult to swallow.

Ginger ale does nothing. I've tried Sea Bands. I've taken vitamin B-6 and Unisom, which only helped the first time I took them a couple days ago. After that, all they do is taste gross.

I have been trying to stay hydrated, but I have to sip VERY small amounts or it will come right back up.

I can barely get out of bed to go to the bathroom. At this point I honestly feel better starving than trying to eat (and just imagine how awful it feels not to have eaten seriously ALL day), but I don't want to starve my baby.

Anyone, I really need help.

I'm eight weeks, if that matters.