
I want to share my news!!!! I got a BFP.  I am 32 years old, TTC #1.  I have been married 5.5 months.  We starting trying last month, however we just baby danced without knowing when I was ovulating the first month.  This month (2nd month TTC) I tracked my ovulation.  I got a positive opk on cycle day #13, we BD in cycle day #13,14, and 15.  We used preseed during my fertile days.  I waited until 16 DPO to test, which is today! ( I wanted to wait until after a family gathering this weekend so I wouldn't feel guilty about keeping my secret if I indeed was pregnant and also I wanted to give my husband a BFP for Valentine's Day,  I also wanted to decrease my chances of a false negative test).  So glad I was patient!  To all my ladies starting a family after 30, don't give up and trust God's plan.  Baby 
Dust to all!