Possible SCH? Any input would be great.

I found out I was 7 weeks pregnant on the 10th this past week, had sex a couple of days later with Daddy and the next morning I woke up to use the bathroom only to notice I had blood coming out along with the pee. It scared me obviously, but I also knew that is very common after having sex while pregnant. But I am still bleeding today, and have been. No pain whatsoever, no uneasy feelings of faintness or anything like that. Just the blood, and it's like random small gushes of blood here and there. I wear a liner, and I can keep it on for quite a few hours before I just want to change it. Not really because I have too. I have my first check up next week on the 23rd (my 21st birthday ironically😂) so I am hoping they can tell me then, until then though to ease my mind, does anyone have similar happenings at this time? Any input at all would be great, I really love the support this app gives me to ease my mind on things! First pregnancy btw!!! :)) Me and Daddy are very excited. 💑💏👫👶