Any once else suck in the hospital?

I got admitted on Tuesday (33 weeks) evening for low amniotic fluid. Unless by some magic it goes up I am stuck here until I deliver. Goal is to get to 36 weeks and I don't know how I am going to handle this. I have GB so on a super restricted diet. I eat the same 4 items over and over again. Every time I order food I cry. I am not on bed rest but my room is in the nicu (some weird swing room) so I don't even have a hallway I can walk because of all the locked doors. I'm going stir crazy!!!!  Anyone else suck in the hospital and what helps make the time go by?
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I went six weeks with my first until I got to the 36 weeks and they stopped my meds. Went into labor two hours after the meds were stopped.. I watched my favorite shows, and colored alot plus since I was going to school for nursing the nurses would stop in and give me advice and I would take notes on everything they did.


Posted at
Awe I'm sorry ladies!! I hope it goes by fast I don't have anything helpful other than I've done a lot of sewing at home. It's kept me pretty distracted. 


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I was in the hospital for two weeks until they decided to induce me because of other complications not low fluid, but because my first had iugr & the blood flow through the umbilical cord wasn't flowing right. I'm hoping that with my second as of right now goes great & there's no complications ☺️ 


Posted at
I wasn't in the hospital for as long as you but I did spend one week there (because I was losing amniotic fluids) got sent home on bed rest and two weeks later I was back in the hospital for another week before my c section at 34 weeks. And as much as I hated being there bored I knew my daughter was getting an extra day in me and that it was for her best. At 34 weeks I had my c section and she spent 3 long weeks in NICU and to this day I wish she could have spent a lil longer in me and a lil less in NiCU. Just think about your little one and hopefully it'll be a little less boring.


Posted at
I'm with you! I will be here for a month this Thursday. I am not on "bed rest" either. I was admitted at 24 weeks and they recommend I stay until I deliver. I am going stir crazy too. Food sucks!! I wake up starving but it's not like I can just go get myself a snack. Its the closest to jail I'll ever be. I'm actually really stable but I'm afraid if I go home I'll just be paranoid. I have all sorts of "entertainment". My ipad, netflix, amazon prime, coloring books, crosswords, books a puzzle etc but they don't help much. Its like when you're at home and you do one of those things because you want to thats one thing but to do it here because you have to it just takes the fun of it away.


T. • Feb 17, 2016
Thanks Amanda I didn't ask about a mini fridge but I know there is a fridge for the nurses I can use but I have to ask them to put stuff in it and I have to ask to get it back out. Its kind of a drag but Im getting desperate after a month here. I need better snacks and healthier ones. surprisingly the hospital food is very carby and they dont include many veggies. And the only hook up I got for the cafeteria is they have me an additional menu for people with certain dietary needs but there are more options. 😝


⚜Amanda⚜ • Feb 16, 2016
Also see if they would allow a mini fridge mines did so I had extra drinks and always asked the nurses for snacks in the middle of the night


⚜Amanda⚜ • Feb 16, 2016
Not sure if your hospital was like mine but they keep the better selection off the menu.. I always asked for burgers, pizza, chicken, salads etc. i was in the hospital 6 weeks with my first and confined to a room so I ended up learning the ins and outs of the hospital cafeteria lol