Fathers girlfriend

Marina • 21, 🇨🇦, lover of words and coffee.
I few years ago My dad and i moved to Toronto to live with his girlfriend and her daughter for the second half of my grade 10 year , I've always had a rocky relationship with his girlfriend but since moving back I haven't been allowed to go up but yet she has come down to visit us. Each time I ask it's always met with its not a good time well today in an email from his girlfriend I've finally learned why I haven't been allowed to go up, his girlfriend thinks i don't like her which isn't true I do like her I just don't like how she treats me , I've done things that her own daughters would have never done as well ive told her that I like her even when we've been in fights. I don't know what I should do with this info, she's never been like a mother to me since mine died when I was little. But it makes sense why I haven't been allowed to go up in 2 years. I've bought her things to show her that I care for her I spent like 100 and some on her....