Please help me pray....heterotopic pregnancy

So...feeling very sad... im 30 years old and I have a 10 year old daughter. I found out i was pregnant back in January. I wasn't ready to tell anyone til after my first ultrasound which was Friday February 12. On that day i was 7 weeks and two days pregnant... during the ultrasound they found out the pregnancy is heterotopic (two babies ) one in my uterus on in my fallopian they sent me to the yale hospital ER with the intention of taking them both either through surgery or a shot in my arm....needless to say i was devastated. There i was on friday admitted laying in the hispital bed in tears. Many doctors came in to talk with me, draw blood and reveiw the sonagrams. I kept praying and hoping for the best. After a while they came back and said all my blood levels were normal and that there is no black and white answer to whats going on... the doc said that a team of then checked if out and they cant be sure if its one of my babies in my tube or just a cyst... they sent me home to watch what happens til monday....i will be returning to redo the sonogram, they didn't do the procedure yet cuz they not sure...I'm so scared...we already have a name and have become attached to this baby. They said these things are so rare like 1 in 30000...and especially doesn't happen to a young healthy person who isn't undergoing fertility treatments. I pray that when I go in tomorrow it was nothing and I can move one and have a healthy baby...