ClearBlue Advanced Digital OPK

Carly • 39 years old, Mom of two beautiful daughters (6 and 2)
Had an interesting thing happen with my OPK this month. Been tracking my ovulation for the past few months to see if the positive tests were lining up with my fertile window and body clues. Usually they seem very accurate! 
Typically my cycles are regular and 28 days (despite coming off the pill at the end of Sept) and I ovulate around CD 14-15. I test at the start or my fertile window and usually get a day or two of low fertility, then the blinking smiley (high fertility) for 2-3 days and then the peak smiley immediately after. 
This month I got a peak test on the first day of my anticipated fertile window. That same day I bought a brand new test to see if the other one was wrong. Took another test at night (even though I know it should be a first morning sample) and it said low fertility. Thought to myself thank goodness my husband and I were intimate that morning and the day before cause it looks like maybe I had a short surge. I checked again the next morning on the new test and I got another peak result! So I thought both had to be right and I ovulated early this month.
Then today (on my anticipated original ovulation day) I got a high fertility blinking smiley haha! Usually I don't test after a peak result but curiosity got the best of me since this cycle was atypical for ovulation and we didn't want to miss any conception windows this month. Anyone ever experience something like this? 
Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day ladies! 💝💘