Not happy.

I'm not happy in my marriage and I don't think my husband is either. It's sad because when he's gone, all I want is to be with him. I miss him so much. Then he comes home and has a shitty attitude, no patience with the kids and doesn't want to do anything but bitch about things that need then I find myself wishing he'd just go back to work. His attitude is rubbing off on me and I'm being bitchy constantly. I'm finding it hard to keep going with him. Lately I'm fantasizing about a life with just my kids and me. We've talked about whether would happen if we decided to separate and he wants to remain living together for the kids. I don't know that that would work. I just know that I'm tired...tired of fighting and tired of feeling so angry all the time. I just don't know what to do anymore.
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Posted at
There may be something there still. He is still coming home. And you miss him while he's away. Try marriage counseling. Don't give up on something that might just work. GOODLUCK. 


Posted at
I'm sorry you're feeling like that, it mustn't be a nice situation. My only useful comment apart from that would be to bot continue living together just for the sake of the kids. My parents did that and it was hell. Me and my sister would have been so much happier if they had lived separately from the time they decided to split up. Instead there was always an atmosphere and everyone was tense and walking on egg shells. My mam ended up feeling so much worse about herself by trying to hide how bad it actually was, which failed unfortunately because we could always pick up on arguments. Me and my sister tried for years to 'fix' things and to this day I always try to smooth things over, hate people being in confrontation and worry if I feel people have fallen out. Sorry for the long post but just wanted to share my perspective from a child's point of view. Wishing you all the best whatever happens, whether you work through this or decide you are better apart.


🌺 • Feb 15, 2016
*not* not bot oooops.


Posted at
Sounds like you two need to fall in love w each other again. Talk to him and promise to go on a date once a week. Start w a long weekend away. People go through slumps, its normal!! If you really love him and miss him, do it. I promise you it will turn around


Posted at
Talk to him about it. Don't wine or bitch. Ask him what is really going on. Communication is the key to every thing. It may take a night out to get him to open up. Ask him what needs of his are not being met. Tell him what you need of him in a nice way. You need to make time for each other together. I can tell u from personal experience. I am a mom of 4. Kids take a toll on any marriage it changes and you have to change with it. Many parents are putting their kids before their marriage and its tearing parents apart. Send your kids to play in another room take 10 min to talk to eachother say i love you and look each other in the eyes. It will take time and both of you to change but if you want it to work you have to work at it.


Posted at
If he's impatient with the kids all the time then maybe they'd be happier not living with him.