Has your man ever called you a bitch?


My son is 5 months old and he is the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm so in love with him. My SO and I had a fantastic relationship before he was born. We got along so well it was scary. We were attached at the hip and I couldn't believe that I found one of the good ones. We both wanted a baby and we were lucky, we conceived easily.

After our baby was born we both had a hard time. Our delivery was scary and then our son got sick and had to be hospitalized. Add to that breastfeeding issues and sleep deprevation for me and we just started nagging at one another constantly. I started to resent him because he was getting a full nights sleep every night and I was stuck at home all day and all night with the baby with little help. A few weekends ago I unloaded on him. I had a rough week with the baby and I just finally popped my cork. I told him how I felt and that I needed him to help me more. And he did. He listened. He hasn't helped at night but when he gets home from work he helps. Last night and early this morning the baby was having a rough night and he did nothing to help me. When I got up to try something to get the baby to sleep he said something snarky to me so I told him to try and figure it out and went to the washroom. When I got back the baby was still crying so I got him ready to go downstairs to try him in his swing (3 am) so that my SO could sleep and as I left the room I heard him say "Bitch" I said "what did you just say?" He says "Nothing" and I'm like "I know you just called me a bitch. Thanks for that" and he says "you're welcome".

I couldn't believe it. I was so upset after I put the baby in his swing I felt like I was going to throw up. I'm sitting here because I can't sleep looking at our baby who we both love dearly and wondering why the best thing to happen to us seems to be driving us apart? And how do I get over him disrespecting me like that?