Misscarrage need advice

So I took a pregnancy test last sunday of last month. And it came out positive. Well I was spotting brown and pinkish. Just enough for a panties liner. Okay, well first Tuesday of this month I went to the doctor and they didn't see anything in the u/s. The doctor said I can let the early misscarrage finish out or take a pill. So I let it run it course for a week *until my next check up it was a week late* the doctor did another u/s and said Nothing still. Let's go ahead and do the pill to make sure it's finish. Cause I never camped or was in pain or bleed at all just spotting. Well I'm still spotting brownish pinkish. No pain no cramps. Nothing at all. She said when I took that pill that I will bleed like a period that was 2 weeks ago. So I called my doctor thurday and she said it sounds like you didn't finish the misscarrage that I need to come in. She said something about d &c. Well thurday I also I took the pregnancy test came out positive very fast!! Well since I found I was misscarrage. Me and my husband has been having crazy love making. Like ever day 2 or more times a day.... Sorru for the information. Soooooooooooo what the hell is going on with my body..... btw, I have never had right periods in the first place. I have inregular periods! And when I do have periods I don't cramp at all .. never have or bleed much anyway. So idk! Help if can!! Going to the doctor tomorrow. Just scared of a d&c.