Feeling pretty sick of it

So I have this friend who seems as though when something doesn't go right she comes to me for help and it usally turns into me being treated as a personal punching bag. 
She's been talking to a guy who just seems to be messing her around and giving her false hope so everytime this happens so will call me. In the past 5 days she has called me 8 times all about him (and all calls about an hour or two long) and usally when I'm busy and out somewhere or doing something so I can't talk she takes it personally out on me or she waits about 2 or 3 hours until I'm home so she can talk instead of just messaging me. So last Night it happened again with the guy and she tried to call me about it while I was busy so I thought she needed a kick in the pants that this guy was bad and I said to her "seriously this is the 8th time this week your calling and complaining about him, you need to get this sorted out with him because the advise I've been giving you obviously hasn't been helping". And that lead to her yelling at me about not being a good friend when the truth is that talking to me isn't changing anything and she needs to talk to him about it instead. 
It's like we can't even talk to eachother anymore without her mentioning something that his done. We haven't even had a conversation about anything else in a while because I was trying to be there for her so of cause it kinda put me off the edge. 
Do you think I was over reacting about the situation and being mean or was it what she needed?