I need advice 😭😔😢

I'm 27 years  old and  my husband is 34 years old. We have been together for almost 9 years. My clock is definitely ticking(& so is his for that matter), everywhere I go I notice babies and children.. All of my friends/family members have either already starting they're families over the past five years or so or they are getting pregnant now.. And in some cases having they're second child. I find myself actually jealous. And even at times feeling depressed about the whole thing.. He is well aware that its all I've ever really wanted, was to be a mother.  He all the time talks about how much money babies cost & college etc... But we are definitely not poor and are financially secure enough to start a family. And he told me that he don't have "the feeling to be a Dad because he thinks he can't. I love him very much  he is my fist Love and everything(I know him when I was 16 years old) but this is what my heart wants, I want to star a family our FAMILY! I need advice 😔