Partners comment on TTC

so me and my partner have been trying to conceive for about 5-6 months now and today Glow said I could do a test, so I did (3 days before missed period) and it was negative. Obviously I was upset but I'm kinda used too it. Anyways, my partner gave me a hug and we lay in bed for a minute then as he was getting up he said "oh well, I guess it's just not our turn" and walked out the room. I was a little bit hurt by that comment and theeeeen later on today on the radio they were talking about the age that people fell pregnant and someone said "I wanted to be pregnant by 22 but didn't end up having one until I was 26" and it's my partners 22nd birthday today so I said "see babe, it is a good age" and he said "yeah but YOU want one now...." (I'm only 19) so I was like wtf that's the 2nd kinda weird comment he's made and then I'm like "what? and you don't?" and his reply was "well I'd obviously step up if I had too." 
I was just kinda hurt by these comments and obviously we're both tryinh, I definitely didn't think it was one sided until tonight. Anyone else find these comments odd or am I just being hormonal and overreacting? 😂