I'm ready to share

Well lady's after I say about 10 miscarriages in 2014 I was blessed to find out I had become pregnant completely unplanned but yet so wanted had a perfect pregnancy and then came that horrible December morning when I went into labor and sadly my Lil man was stillborn then I moved back to where all my family and friends was then I married my best friend to find out we had become pregnant again and of course we was over the moon sadly ended up in a miscarriage we had gave up on trying decided it was for the best then right before new year's I wasn't late remind you I just had been super sick and cramps I made a appointment and low and behold they told me I was pregnant of course best news ever (I'm currently 11 weeks 1 day) yes I'm still scared out of my mind but pretty ladies because when I started to give up hope I was blessed allow yourself to heal mentally emotionally and physically Its never easy to lose that Lil bean weather you are 2 weeks or 36 weeks it hurts the same so never let anyone tell you otherwise take time to heal remember even when it's hard your partner has lost as well hold each other and believe that you now have a angel watching over you I share this story in hope it will give someone hope and ease there hurt by reassuring that anything is possible I'm not saying the hurt will go away over night hell I don't think it ever does but please don't give up hope remember it's okay to feel lost but never try to face it alone I prey each of you ladies get your perfect angel healthy and strong keep your heads up and remember YOUR NEVER ALONE!! AS I said I shared this story to show anything is possible just takes time and healing