Ex gf

So would you expect your bf of three years to introduce you to his ex gf (who he dated for five years) at his mother's celebration of life? We had her funeral last weekend and it was beautiful. His ex drove five hours to come and the entire time she was there, my bf was off in a corner with her, chatting, beaming, and even grabbed his dad to show him she had come! And not once did he come over to introduce me. I get the day wasn't about me but I am a little hurt. Because from where I was, it seemed like he was a little too excited she came. It's nice she took the time but I am sad he didn't come over to me and introduce us. I felt that maybe he was ashamed of me or something (totally insecure, I know). I told him about it after and he said there was no point because we'll never see her again, it might be awkward, and that i shouldn't feel threatened because she has a serious relationship, blah blah. He said if I told anyone else about my hurt feelings, that they would think I was crazy and overreactive. He even got a little mad at me. So would you have expected an introduction? Or would you have let it roll right off your shoulders? There is no point worrying about it now.. Just wondering what others think.

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