I think it's over...

So my boyfriend and I have been together for a year in a half now. We rushed things from the start and now I guess our relationship is finally taking a curve from the honeymoon phase I don't know. We have had no problems since now.. 
Anyway, last Thursday I lost my job. And I have been applying to many various places for work online and in person. However, I got 3 interviews this week. Recently, my friend is going through a rough patch with her bf and I have been there to support her.  She thinks he may have relapsed with Cocaine with his bestfriend and she tells me she hates her life because she can't trust him in general and he stays out long hours at night with his friend (a male best friend) and she doesn't know what to do because her kids are attached to her boyfriend but he isn't there dad. I have been there to support her whole heartedly and I feel for her. Since all this I haven't been cleaning the house and taking care of things and so my boyfriend said to me this morning because he couldn't find a pair of socks and rudely starting banging my dresser doors at 2am saying.. "Don't start, you party it up all night and sleep all day you don't even have a job" the BGE is $500. Like yeah I get that I see that. Months back we made an agreement he would both pay rent and BGE. However, I'm not partying I literally go out 1 time a week and I have no kids- lol. I'm just depressed and being a friend that needs a friend. I feel like he is using me because I just got $7,000 in taxes back but I only got my state which was $1,500. Keep in mind I'm not a spender I just want to save it. I'm just trying to figure out if he is using me or because I have not been the house wife lately... All I do is clean my house that's my social life lol. But it's like he doesn't want me to go out with my friends and enjoy myself for one night?? He expects me to be up his ass and serve him. 
Isn't this selfish of him to say? Isn't he jealous? I just can't wrap my mind around it. 
Thanks for your advice.