I'm preg!

Ladies, I've been waiting a long time to get to post this. my husband(he was fine) got checked and obviously so did I. I found out I had a puritary tumor and had to be put on meds. After that went down I got put on clomid 50mg. For three rounds it regulated me to a 28 day cycle and I ovulated each round. I was having 25-40 day cycles without it. I finally after two years of ttc got a vfl on a first response yesterday at 10dpo round 3. Of course I couldn't believe it until I got a true bfp, and this morning I did! 😍 I am seriously in shock and wanted to let you girls know to have hope and faith! I was there for so long.. Wishing and hoping and just wondering will I ever get pregnant? Yes!!! You will! Pray big ladies! It works! Also, I loved seeing people's symptoms so here are mine.. Bfp 11dpo.. Head ache on and off for over a week(my biggest sign) nasally like I had a runny nose constantly, sore breast, and some mild cramping(just action in my uterus lol) I pray this gives some of you hope! Good luck my friends! Thanks for the support glo!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️👶🏻👶🏻