She's here

Baby girl was born 2 days ago via C section. Apparently she swallowed some fluid and she's been in the nursery on an iv and hooked up to a monitor since. I can't do anything for her, I can't feed her, I can't change her. We do skin to skin every so often but it's all monitored by doctors, I feel like I'm being baby sat every time I hold my own child like they think I'm going to mess up. I hate this, I'm so stressed out, I'm sore, I'm exhausted, I'm frustrated. I just want to be able to take a healthy baby home. I'm beginning to get depressed nothing went as planned, I'm pissed off about the c section. I wanted a natural, vaginal birth. I dilated to 9cm before considering an epidural and everything just went to waste. I can't even hold my baby. And to top it off, I planned to breastfeed but since everything went to shit I'm too stressed out to even produce a decent amount of colostrum and that's with pumping every 2-3 hours.