So on February 11th (which is my older brothers birthday) I was home playing with my 11 month old so...

So on February 11th (which is my older brothers birthday) I was home playing with my 11 month old son. My water broke at 35 and thankfully my mom was here to help. Made it to the hospital got admitted, hooked up to iv's and had my epidural as i was already dilated to a 4 upon arrival. spent a few hours in labor when baby's heart rate dropped. Doctors had my get on my elbows and knees with my butt in the air hoping it would help. It didn't. Then they tried doing chest compressions to stimulate his heart (he was still inside me) but it wasn't helping. We were rushed in for an emergency c-section. He came out and let out a little cry but then stopped breathing. He was intubated for a day and then decided he didn't want to stay in the hospital. Little champ did so great. Spent 4 days in nicu and now we're home. He has lost a little weight. Went from 5 lbs to 4 lbs 4 ozs but he loves to eat so he'll gain it back in no time. I'm happy to not be pregnant. It wasn't fun there at the end. I'm mostly happy and thankful that he is healthy!! (And he's the only child of mine who isn't his daddy's twin!!!!! 😁😁😁😁😁)