So proud! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’™


Yesterday my son went for his 4 month check up and shots. They weighed and measured him. When the doctor walked in she was smiling and said "well Gianni, you're a big boy!"

My son weighs 18lbs 14oz and is 26 1/2inches! He was born at 8lbs 8oz and 20 1/2inches. I'm especially proud because I'm a first time mom and my son is exclusively breast fed. I've lost so much sleep, have had blisters on my nipples which were cracked and bleeding as well. He has a tongue tie and I have "short" nipples. He had a shoulder dystocia and I had a 4th degree tear. We've overcame so much! He now nurses like a champ and I no longer need a nipple shield or have pain. :)

He finally has the okay to start eating cereals! :)