Is it okay for a married man/woman to be friends with opposite sex?

Hi all! My husband and I just had a huge argument over opposite sex friendships. I am saying we should be able to be friends with whoever. Mind you if you asked me a year ago I would have said heck no. Before we got married. My husband had female friends that I did not know about. He was hiding the fact he was texting and calling them. I said to him if they are just your friends no need to hide. He said to me. I know how you would react if I told u.blah blah blah. I told him either I meet these girl's or u cut them off. He chose to cut them off. Now that we are married, I have formed a friendship with a guy. He likes my desserts I make. We are just friends. I don't like him. He has a gf etc. We have a lot in commom. I told my husband. And now he is saying marriage is different from boyfriend girlfriend and opposite sex friends is a no go. What do yall think

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