Did I make the right choice ? I really need some help

My boyfriend and I moved in together two months into our relationship he has a really low Sex drive and it's Always been something that bothered me he also has struggled with being vulnerable because of his childhood I could have dealt with the sex not being very frequent but over time I've started to feel alone in the start of our relationship when I mentioned my feelings he said it's just going to take him a while to adjust to being responsible for someone else's feelings things got better for a while then went right back I mentioned it again and he said it was stress from some old legal stuff that came up recently from his past and this went on for about a year and it's been killing me I've felt super depressed and alone and I tried talking about it and now he says it's because he has to save for a lawyer for his attorney fees ao he can get his license back so he can accept this amazing job he was offered and all of this will make sense when we can buy a house In a few years but I couldn't handle how things were and asked him to move out so he did and he asked if we could work on our relationship. While he lives with his mom to save money but never really addressed how he would try harder for our relationship and I kept repeating myself because I just felt I wasent being heard and he finally told me he's done and won't talk to me blocked me on all social media and my heart is broken . Did I push him away or do u think that he just wasent the right person and I made the best choice in the long run ? Please give me advice I'm so depressed and feel like I am struggling everyday wondering if I did the right thing