PCOS, first time mom, unmarried...

I am still in shock over my positive pregnancy tests (I think I took about 7). I am also shocked at how quickly we conceived, only TTC for about 3 months - and this was our natural trial before my ob/gyn suggested trying medical interventions like clomid. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 16, and by 22 was being pushed to start trying because sooner would be easier, or more possible than later. This year as I turned 25, my boyfriend and I decided that we would rather have children earlier than planned than possibly never having them at all. We also had a surprise miscarriage when I was 21 and taking hormones for my PCOS symptoms while on birth control - causing what was sort of like a chemical pregnancy (still devastating, as I was still unsure at this point if I could conceive.) The thought of either not conceiving or facing the pain of other miscarriages is absolutely paralyzing, but that is why we have chosen to start what could be the long journey to parenthood now, at 25 and 27. We do, and always have planned to marry.. We are just having a baby first. We both work full time, both actually taking new and better-paying jobs at the moment, and are in the process of buying our first home. I have just received my masters degree about 4 weeks before conceiving (still amazes me!). We are beyond grateful that God has blessed us with this pregnancy, and couldn't be more thrilled (or terrified!) And while I know that we are making the right choice, that we will be amazing parents together and that this man is who I am meant to share a family with, I can't get past the anxiety I feel about how others will respond to our news. The people who understand our situation will be or already are more than supportive and happy for us. But I fear that I will forever be explaining that this baby wasn't an "oops", but a blessing. Anyone in any kind of similar situation, or who would like to offer some words of wisdom? 😊