For better or worse

Only you and your husband can determine what that means to you. Well, if you believe In a higher power than maybe you, your husband and your "god". 
My husband and I have had some difficulties. We didn't know if our marriage was even worth salvaging. After lots of fights and talks things have been getting so much better. We've sought out counseling, I've moved back in, we've started going to church again. So many things are working in our favor because we have both decided to try.
We also are renters and have no kids, it would have been super easy to split ways, but I'm so glad that we have both had a change of hearts. 
Just posting something positive for those who need encouragement in a marriage/relationship that is seemingly failing. It will be worth it if you try your hardest. Even if it doesn't work out, you know you tried your hardest and it's okay to walk away when you start putting them over your happiness and sanity.