Anyone having same thing?

Dennyiel • Married to my high school sweetheart ;) we have four beautiful children a boy and girl, and a new set of boy/girl twins! Had a chemical pregnancy in September 2015.anovulation problems
Okay so af is due the 24th and I usually have signs of her ugly face, cramps, break outs, clear or dry cm. But the only thing I'm experiencing is on and off cold symptoms, very white creamy cm (alot!) Slight cramping, and moody! Like snap at you moody. Took two cheaper test with fmu negative and a frer with fmu had a evaporation line. Last test I took was an evap as well (clear blue). Anyone else in the same boat? Or have these symptoms and got a bfp? Hubby and I have been trying for 2years getting exhausted. :(