Things I wish i would had bought before Postpartum and a little hope💙


These are some things i wish ibeould had stocked up on after birth 6 days pp

1.) A lot more pads (not as thick for later)

2.)Dermoplast(numbing &antibacterial)

3.) Tucks Hemorrhoidal medicated cooling pads (I had a bad tear)

4.) Stretchy underwear!!

5.) Donut

6.) Stool softeners & laxatives

7.) Wash clothes! (I don't want to dirty my own)

8.) Towels (so I wouldn't get blood on my good ones)

Thing that would had made my recovery much better to be comfortable

A recliner so I can breastfeed my son in comfort besides the couch that I can only lean one way 😔

Be sure to have something comfortable and have a good support system mine sucks and I'm having a hard time, my mother calls me crazy and tells me to chill out calls me at all hours WHILE IM SLEEPING even calls house phone when asked not to due to baby waking up..

This was my first and I thought it would never get better for my poor bottom, sore muscles, having to poop (sorry tmi, being scared) it does get better I had a 4th degree tear ALOT of stitches 3+ hours of pushing out a 8.5 pound baby and I only weighed 100prepreg

IT DOES GET BETTER IT TAKES TIME! Anyone needs to talk I'm here for you!