
So for a while now, I've had this gut feeling like this one might be a premie. This is my 6th pregnancy and 4th baby girl. I have 2 angel babies. I don't get consistent contractions but I swear I feel my cervix changing already and I lost my mucus plug a week and a half ago. Now I have had crazy thoughts during pregnancy before that luckily never came true, but I can't shake this one. I'm kind of worried but don't want to worry my husband or anyone else in my family unnecessarily so I haven't said anything. My next appointment isn't for another 2.5 weeks. I'm 30 weeks 4 days right now. I tried to see if I could feel my own cervix to check myself but I have very tiny hands and can't reach far enough. Anyone else ever had this kind of feeling and it did/didn't come true? P.S. I dilate early anyway, was 5 and 6 cm with my last 2 pregnancies before induction at full term. Oh and we are moving in 3 weeks, which doesn't help.