
Stacey • 27 with a 6 year old and a 2 year old with another on the way(my last) :)
I'm worried about breastfeeding with my next bubs. First time it was very painful that I was topping up every feed for a week before I gave up with no support from the father. He was getting upset every time with me cause I wanted to breastfeed as much as I could without asking for bubs to have a bottle made which resulted in bubs crying while the bottle for made. Now I'm determined about doing it this time around as I feel confident about not needing the support cause I have basically raised our son on my own and he is in and out of the picture. Now I have a lacatation consultant at the beginning of next month but I'm still very uneasy about expressing and making enough milk for bubs to not get frustrated or need the constant top ups like I had to with my first. Any experiences and helpful hints would be greatly appreciated.