Can anyone relate or shed some light!?!


I'm 8 weeks pregnant with mo/di twins. Today I had an u/s. Twin A is measuring healthy with a nice heartbeat. Twin B is also measuring healthy with a nice heartbeat but has a remarkably small amniotic sac.. twin b measures at 7w4d but the sac measures at 6w2d. It looks like the fetus literally has no room. Especially compared to twin A whose sac is much larger. The sonographer didnt want me to be concerned but was also honest and said sometimes it does cause complications like constricting the fetus as it grows but the sac doesn't.

So as soon as I get home what do I do??... jump on google!! Yes not the greatest option! I read alot of testomonies of the same problem and 90% they resulted in a miscarriage. There were a few positives ones which has kept me hopeful. I cant help but worry but also trying to prepare myself for the possibility.

Anyone else have the same/similar issue?? Would love to here the good and the bad.