Earlier than expected?

Hey ya'll so feb 8th I had my first positive pregnancy test and it said 1-2 weeks... went for a blood test the next day, then again 2 days later.  Called the Doc on Monday and he was concerned the levels weren't as elevated as they should be.  I took another test that day and it still says 1-2 weeks. But all 3 <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">pregnancy apps</a> I downloaded say I am 5 weeks?!? Should I be worried? Am I more likely to be 1-2 weeks? The doctor asked if I 'feel' pregnant, and I said I've never been pregnant but my boobs hurt, I'm bloated, I yell one second, cry the next, pee every hour so I guess I 'feel' pregnant!  Anyone else have something similar happen?  I'm mortified to have a miscarriage.. My older sister just miscarried last month she was 7w2d...