Holy moly cracking bleeding nipple.

I seriously can't win. I currently am 10 days postpartum and this breastfeeding thing is no joke. I formula fed my 6 year old so this is new to me. I just went tot the doctors yesterday for my left side. I am using nipple shields as I'm extremely inverted, especially my left side, nipple will not come out at all. In return baby will not lunch and is very uninterested so I'm pumping my left side to get what little I can get out.. 1-2 ounces. Doctor said to keep doing that but unfortunately it may dry up because babies suck is the best and she will not do it! 
But oh my gosh! My right side? Since I'm exclusively breastfeeding on this side? It's cracking and bleeding. Her latch is fine the consultant said. She said it's just because she's on this side constantly.. But boy does it hurt so much that I feel like screaming as soon as she starts eating.. I'm not giving up but my pain tolerance is so low I can't deal with it. She's a happy fed baby so I'm glad I'm doing something right but it would also be nice to do this without the pain, lol. 
I've been cheating too unfortunately introducing a bottle because of the pain.. But she doesn't like it and drinks to fast.. Sigh!
Any one else going through the same thing? How'd you manage the pain? Any advice?