SO backing out of pics.

Ashley • I'm 23. my son is 2 yrs old. And my bf is 24 We've been together for 8yrs in sept. Expecting our baby girl April 14 !!
I'm just a little heart broken my SO doesn't want to get out of his camo clothes for my maternity pics. And is now telling me how ridiculous taking pics professionally is. (My sister is taking them for us so it's not like a stranger in a studio ) (also they'll be taken outside.) I feel like he's letting me down since it's his choice that this will be our 2nd and  last baby. And I didn't take pics with my first bc me and SO split up. So I feel like this is my last chance to take pics (which it pretty much is) and he thinks it's silly and unnecessary. Sigh. Just a little rant. Maybe I'll break and take a couple in camo but I was looking forward to the cute, nice looking pics