
Hey ladies! So for about 2 weeks now I've been dizzy, have tons of acne which is not like me at all to have, lower backaches and out more to my sides like my hips more than anything, emotional as in I'm crying over sweet commercials or things I read, headaches just about every day, lots of pressure/cramping but doesn't hurt in my pelvic area and I'm super bloated. I can't even button my work pants that I wear every day. Oh and super tired. Also my breasts have been very sore but not like they usually are right before AF. They have been sore mostly on my nipples. Today AF was supposed to show up but instead I have very very little spotting. This morning the spotting was light pink and now it has turned to a burgundy color. I've been wearing the same panty liner for 8 hours now and it doesn't have anything on it. I took a pregnancy test yesterday but it was negative. I'm so confused. Anyone have any opinions?