Clomid TTC.. advise please😊🌟

Just finished my first round of 50mg Clomid days 5-9. I went in on my 13 CD for an ultrasound and had many follicles, but the biggest were only 8mm (one in each ovary). My doctor then told me I would not be ovulating this cycle, and prescribed me with 100 mg Clomid to try next cycle ..I've heard that some people ovulate late on Clomid, could this be a possibility? I don't have periods on my own so using progesterone to induce one; she avised to start taking the progesterone on CD 20 to induce my next cycle...but I've heard of people ovulating in CD 20's while on Clomid! I'm torn...either way, feeling positive about the next cycle on Clomid...anyone else have luck on the second Time around?Â