

Okay this is going to be a long one.


So last week Monday (2/8) I started working out, not excessively and not extremely intense, and changed my diet to be way healthier. On Wednesday I noticed It was hard on my system so I kept some healthy meals the same but also brought in some of my old food habits. I worked out consistently mon-fri.  I took four days off from working out (Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues); I had my period that started mid-day Sunday (2/14), I hardly noticed because I literally had no cramping when usually they are unbearable and I can definitely see it coming. My period ended Tuesday (2/16), and during the entire “period time” I never had anything leak into my underwear, it was only there when I would wipe and would be light pink or brown. I did take a pregnancy test and it came back negative on the second day of my period. I have experienced some pregnancy symptoms like tender nipples (they are also a deep pink color, when they are usually light pink), headaches, I am more gassy and I have been having dry mouth. This period was also a week sooner than it should have been, as my last was 1/21.

I don’t know if what I am experiencing is athletic amenorrhea or if I could possibly be pregnant. My boyfriend and I are very careful and we do use condoms every time, though I know that those are not 100% effective. Since noticing my early and short period, I have upped my protein and fiber intake I seem to have a bit more energy now. I know that I have to take a test to know for sure, but part of me doesn’t believe it really is there.