Dont Know About Marriage Anymore

Ne💕❣ • Mother To An Angel Baby , Currently Pregnant With Rainbowbaby Coming March 2017
I really dont know what to do , we have been together for 4 years engaged for 1 year and recently alot of bad things has been happening and we are both stress about everything but when he gets mad he think he has the right to just talk any kind of way with me and not worry about my feelings but when i get mad and i talk to him any kind of way he thinks im not in love with him or dont want to be with him anymore , with that begin said is i dont really think i want to marry him anymore because im tired of arguing and tired of dealing with it . Im just tired of playin these little tic for tac games with him and not to mention we had a miscarriage , our car broke down , he went to jail for 1 day have to go to court , than on top of that without me having a car i lost my job . What to do ? Im just stressed and i think i want to be free again. Or do yall think im begin emotional ? Honest answers please . I really need someone else to talk to , instead of my so.