Could I be ovulating after a birth control withdrawl AF followed by missed period? Read details....

Erica • .

Long story! I'm trying to figure out if I'm about to ovulate and if I'm in a new cycle despite a missed AF (BFN) based on high fertility clearblue estrogen test. DETAILS:

I stopped birth control had a withdrawal period Jan 20-24. GLO predicted my period to start 5 days ago. It hasnt come yet and i am on cycle day 31. I had cramps and pre-menstrual symptoms around the time glow predicted but never even spotted.

I'm definitely NOT pregnant- took many tests. I don't know for 100% that I ovulated last cycle, my test strip on the LH test was never quite as dark as the control strip.

Now I have the Clearview digital test that is showing an estrogen spike for high fertility.... Is it possible that my body just skipped a period and I am ovulating or are my hormones just being wonky? CM is watery....

I saw on the graph that there is another small rise in estrogen before it flat-lines during AF. It's it possible that a rise after ovulation is high enough to give Clearview digital test a false estrogen positive response from that?

If this has happened to anyone please share if you can comment on polls! I also don't know how to fix my GLOW for this- I keep having to press "period is late" and have no idea what my ovulation percentages or dates would be.... thought about putting in that I had a period when I had the PMS symptoms so my cycle might make sense. If you know how to fix that let me know!

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