How to get your man to help out.


I was wondering what ways you guys got your man to help out more around the house.

I am a full time college student, have a part time job, and have a 15 month old son. Everyday I am cleaning up after my son, feeding him, changing him, etc. I then also have to do my school work, clean the house, do laundry, cook, do dishes and all that. My man only scrubs the toilet every couple months and takes out the garbage. I feel that all I do is slave for someone else. I don't even get to enjoy time with my son because I am always busy doing other things. I had really bad postpartum depression that I never told anyone about. I even thought about leaving my man many times because it was just too hard. It still hasn't got any better no matter how many times we talk about it. He says that he will help out more but that only lasts a few days and then its back to how it was. I am just tired of this cycle.