What can my fiancé and I do to rekindle?

Courtney • Married to the love of my life and trying to conceive our one baby to complete our small yet mighty happy family. ❤️
Okay, "rekindle" is a bit of an overstatement, but it's along the lines of what I mean. 
​My fiancé and I haven't been able to go on dates or really go many places together lately because we're really tight on money, tight as in, we can't even afford gas to really drive around town for fun. 
​We're also always stuck at home, seeing the same people, doing the same thing, day after day. 
​I want to do something with him but I can't really think of anything to do that is out of the ordinary. We need something to do to have fun, please help!! What should we do to feel super head over heels in love again?!