The pill and uncontrollable emotions

I've been on the pill since September of 2015 and in November I started having uncontrollable mood swings, sully between anger and being sad. 
I get angry over the smallest things and then when I finally clam down I can't hold back my tears. I end up taking it out on my fiancé who bless his heart is 834 miles away and hasn't done anything to deserve it. 
This month I forgot to take my pill Sunday through Wednesday and I felt great, today I took the first one of my new pack and I blew up over something stupid and I don't even remember what it was. 
I'm only on the pill to regulate my periods and help with acne so getting off it doesn't bother me and I'm not afraid I'll get prevent because like I said before my fiancé is 834 miles away. 
I Don't know if the fact that I have hashimotos, a thyroid disease adds to it or not but if someone could give me advice on figuring out how to control my emotions, especially the anger. 
I would like to stay on it because I like knowing when my period will begin(ish) and I like not having a face covered in acne. 
Also I apologize for any grammar mistakes or poor spelling, I'm like half asleep.